We designed ON Pharma’s app, where users take pharma quizzes in exchange for EFC credits, completely acknowledged by Colegiul Farmaciștilor din România. Equatorial / ON Pharma
We created a campaign for Primus to communicate the Primus’s value, which the company felt doesn't exist in the Romanian political system: honesty. Primus / Prison Fix Up
To raise awareness about the call for sustainability and reduced waste through ASAP petition, Subcarpați ft. ASAP launched the “Dunăre, Dunăre” music video. ASAP x Subcarpați
A gamified reading experience, aimed at keeping the user entertained and with a good grasp of the articles once he's done reading. Behold, Ludoteca! Equatorial / Ludoteca
Educational campaign for the national urge for education. United Way / Education without interruption
Internal communication and employer branding project for a design awarded head-office. BCR / Collective art painted with trust
Raising awareness regarding TB: the numbers were worrying we knew we had to intervene. RAA x Millenium Communications / TB awareness campaign
Our campaign for ING Tech shows us that with the right skills and the help of technology, anyone can make a shift for the better. ING Tech / Shift + Lives
The concept of New Femininity through the diversity of attitude inside a compact group of young women. Nominated at Transilvania International Film Festival and Warsaw International Film Festival. Tangaj Prod / “Mia misses her revenge” Movie poster
The talk about the beauty that's inside every woman and what self care means to it. Synevo / The Inner Beauty Exhibition
Creating a subtle link between the Renaissance period and the broad-mindedness achieved through this event. K.M. Trust / A 3-Day Executive Program
Betting is one of the passions people have, the one that completes their personality. Just like any passions that sport celebrities have. Superbet / Superpassions
New horizons enhanced by ING Tech: the opportunities of switching to a new job during The Pandemic. ING Tech / Owning a change
Showcase of Young Talent: the young artists can become the greatest artists of tomorrow. SYT / The next Great Artists
Creating an online version of the shopping mall for NEPI during summer season. An oasis, cool and fresh, filled with good vibes and surprises. NEPI / Island of Wishes
We take a look at big companies around the world and deliver a trend analysis of the HR movement in top management boards. Alexander Hughes / Annual review
We create a branding for iconic statues in Bucharest, “Living statues”, and gave them voices to open the eyes of people to their relevancy. Monument for / Statui vii
The experience of watching sports intensifies with Superbet. Superbet / The Magic Feeling of #Supersport
In a perfect blend of gamification and teaching, Equatorial Marathon was born as a learning game-based platform. Equatorial / Equatorial Marathon
The tension in the educational system and the labor market: closing the gap between theory and practice. Trutzi / Forging future
Bringing a special edition of celebration, a surprising “cozonac” with burger ingredients: tasty and especially for carnivores. Orotoro / Cozoburger
By stating that ‘H&M is ASAP’, we build up in two directions: testify ASAP as the initiative that fights plastic and recognize H&M as one of the companies that are courageous enough to take the lead in this fight. ASAP x H&M
In order to democratize the philanthropy idea, we created a series of print executions where simple craftsmen are featured in philanthropists-inspired pictures. Patru mâini / The philanthropists
A new SuperProject: When sports champions meet Superbet, it’s time for something big! Superbet / Let’s be #SuperSocial
Building a platform where all Orange CSR projects were brought together under the same roof. Orange / For Tomorrow
A campaign for Electrica Furnizare that shows the importance of having a trusted partner when it comes to energy supply. Electrica Furnizare / Natural Gas Campaign
A YouTube show with sports legends and Tik Tok trends around the Football Worldcup. Superbet / SuberBarberShow
The first betting Social Media app, that enables the shared experience of sports at its most intensity. Superbet / SuperSocial
We had to talk to this group of people who no longer define themselves through the old-school way of doing things Romanian style. Virgin Radio / It’s here
An image campaign for the newly relaunched brand of the iron market leader, Trutzi. Trutzi / Build durability
Inspired by real casinos and Romania's first participation at the World’s Football Championship in 1930, we created a dedicated campaign for Superbet's digital Casino. Superbet / București, 1930
Qatar is a traveling destination that offered in 2022 more than just a football worldcup. MagicJackpot / Football World Cup
Apollo111 is a theater, but also a concept that reinvents itself with each director. Apollo111 / The new theatre
Recycling waste with a digital application for enabling less privileged children to have access to education during the pandemic. Metaminds x Floare de colț
The tragicomic dramatization of the lack of representative social models for nowadays’ children and of the seniors’ unfulfilled desire to work. ANOFM / Be active at any age!
A story with love, betrayals, sponsors, patriotism, hypocrisy and candor. Apollo111 Theatre / Sara/Mara
The wine-inspired web design for Liliac Wines: diving into brand experience and winding up in stories about community. Liliac Wines / A Transylvanian Story
The good in Romania is being built each and every day. And is awarded on one night only. GSC / Making good even better
The charismatic trio wants to be friend with the listeners of their radio and become their Friends With Benefits. Then, the challenge begins. Virgin Radio / Friends with benefits
Every cool things, even visual details in our lives have now an electro background sound, due to Virgin Radio. Virgin Radio / This has a radio
The most famous goal scored following a break in Romanian football history was recreated by Superbet's Superedorsers. Superbet / The 58th minute
Your car has the Avia family to rely upon in its moments of need just as you have your close ones ready to support you when taking the first steps towards something new. Avia Motors / Your car’s Family
No matter what you drive, get the same premium gas and experience with Țiriac Energy. Țiriac Energy / The car-truck-van-bus-tractor
We created a series of posters to announce the shows at Apolo111 Teatrul, in which we tried to express the most unique insights of the plays. Apollo111 / Poster Collection
Mega Mall, the newest mall in Bucharest, proposes a category-innovative website strategy. Mega Mall / The shareable magazine
We decided to show supporters one wouldn't usually associate with football, jumping on the EURO 2016 bandwagon and decorating elements of their lives with the Romanian flag. UPC / The National Campaign
The country doesn't change with politicians, but through the every day actions of the people. Europa FM – Choose differently
Motivating Romanians to take action in Romanian elections through the most wildly inappropriate quotes from Hillary and Trump. Europa FM / Vote in RO
An open call for concepts manifested through a contest where most creative architects could propose their versions of ING Tech statement-building. ING / An Office just for One
Relevant news of the last 30 years through a visit of the different Romanian living rooms. Europa FM / #sufrageria30în30
Money talk & bank interactions through a stand-up comedy show for ING Bank. ING Bank / ING Business Show
Feeling and understanding the hardships that come before victory, the fans live the experience at its most intensity starting with Superbet’s “The ComeBack” commercial. Superbet / The Comeback
Rusu+Borțun T-shirt collection: an expression of each team member's own individuality. Rusu+Borțun / Spring T-Shirt Collection
A Superbet campaign dedicated to all Romanian Superfans in the context of UEFA EURO 2020. Superbet / SuperFans
The rebranding communication campaign for Europa FM, the radio that stands side by side with all Romanians. Europa FM / The Voice of Millions of Romanians
Everyone is invited to the Black Sea to occupy the beach with their great holiday mood and to enjoy the sun, the sea and 3 days of amazing live music with Europa FM. Europa FM / #OcupămMarea
Superbet: from a local player to a passionate International Powerhouse. Superbet / Global Rebranding Manifesto
In a world full of corruption and fake news, brands need to step forward and make their voice heard. Starring: Europa FM. Europa FM / Just the Naked Truth