What do we do in our free time? Even if it may look like we don’t have a certain passion, we are all engaged in activities that fulfil our time. These may be simple activities, such as gathering with friends, walking in the park, or watching or playing our favourite sports.
Superbet / Superpassions
Superbet’s spot created by us communicates the call to action we share with the public, to follow the passion and to bet on it. We transmitted it with the help of our endorsers.
Superbet, the leading betting company in Romania, wanted a campaign focused on passions, on the ”second life” of people, besides their daily jobs. For this, we had to use the Superbet Endorsers (ex-players, coaches, and sport journalists).
Betting is one of the passions people have, the one that completes their personality. Just like any passion that sports celebrities have.
We showed the #SuperPassions of our SuperEndorsers to encourage the customers to live their extra passion: betting & sports.
As you can see in our series of commercials, we have dreamed of taking Italian language lessons with the legendary Florin Răducioiu since the ’90s and we finally did it. The former kickbox star Cătălin Moroșanu proved to be quite an expert tour guide for Bucharest and Daniel Pancu showed off his barber skills. Betting on your #SuperPassion is Super!