ING Tech / X-MAS Fundraising

For the Christmas of 2019, ING Tech wanted to encourage its employees to take part in a fundraising activity, so it offered them the opportunity to choose the charity they would support, as it isn’t always just about helping, but making a change where you think it is needed the most.

For ING Tech we exploited the opportunity that the company doubled the donations and we created a campaign started from the effect of the inkblots. In this way, we expressed the doublation.


As a way to draw more attention to the initiative and get more people involved, we decided to dramatize the positive change brought by the fact that the donations were to be doubled. In this way, the beneficiaries would receive double the aid and donors would feel as if having a bigger impact. People always feel good when they make good deeds – let’s not forget that, it’s what the campaign counted on.


If ING Tech was to double the amount of money donated, it can be viewed as if Santa Claus was to visit people twice in one year. So we used the Rorschach inkblots as inspiration since they always look as if something got doubled in the sketches.

By appealing to the optical effect the inkblots give, we would bring under the spotlight the double joy the beneficiaries receive, before the viewers could even lower their eyes upon the copy.

We showcased a doubled Santa that would spread twice as much joy, all due to the willing donors with open hearts.